

      I currently work in a number of schools delivering outdoor learning in different ways.          In discussion with the headteacher, I can develop a programme that best suits         the needs of the school.

Examples of the types of thing I do or have done are:

  • Nuture groups - small groups of selected children who need to develop confidence and self esteem. When working with these groups  I can provide base line and end of programme assessments to show progression.
  • Core strength groups - small groups of children who need to develop and strengthen upper body strength. When working with these groups  I can provide base line and end of programme assessments to show progression.
  • Whole class sessions with teaching staff to allow CPD opportunities as well as outdoor learning for the children. 
  • Half class groups with a curriculum focus e.g. R.E., science etc.
  • Discussions about how to change or best use the school outside area.
  • Working alongside a class teacher to help improve confidence in providing outdoor learning opportunities.


I would be happy to meet you in school to discuss how I could help enhance the curriculum and opportunities you currently offer your pupils.



£40 per hour

£90 for half a day

£180 for a full day

This includes planning, preparation and basic equipment.

Any specific requirements requested by the school e.g. wood to make boxes, plants for planters etc. will be invoiced as extra.