Safeguarding and Confidentiality
Here at GLO we regard our duty of care when working with young people as extremely important. To make sure that all individuals (children, workers, volunteers) are safe and protected we ensure the following:-
* Everyone involved in GLO Club is fully briefed on health and safety, risk assessment of sites and activities. Staff and volunteers should be made aware of the relevant policies.
* We regard safety and good practice as extremely important and it is the responsibility of staff and volunteers to follow correct policies to ensure the safety of all.
* Anna Gray has a DBS certificate and will ensure that staff/volunteers will only work individually with children if they also have a DBS certificate.
* Anna Gray has an up to date Paediatric First aid Certificate and Public liability insurance.
* Parents will sign a GLO Club agreement before their child/children are allowed to join GLO club. * Anna Gray will have a list of contact details and medical needs with her at all times. * Photographs will only ever be used in publicity, on the Grow & Learn Website or on social media with prior parental permission. * Any concerns about a child’s physical or mental well-being should be shared with the Anna Gray. When working with schools she will speak to members of school staff so that the schools child protection policy can then be followed. When working with private groups, official channels will be followed if deemed appropriate.
* Confidentiality should be maintained at all times. Any concerns should only be shared with those who need to know i.e. Anna Gray or the Class Teacher, who can then ensure the correct channels are followed.